The excessive and unguided usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides (Chemical Inputs) is detrimental to our soil, environment, and human nature. With the rise in population, farmers from developing nations have been forced to adopt a quick-fix strategy that increases crop yield and quality. However, these chemical agricultural inputs damage our health and ecosystems and cause irreversible damage.

Agrihub is a decentralized platform for microentreprenurs with two bioherbal organic alternatives to chemical fertilizers and pesticides namely ‘Jeevan’ & ‘Kavach’, Our other two products are vermicompost and azolla. Our tagline “Mati-Sheti-Nati” in Marathi means Soil – Agriculture – Relationships:  Three important pillars Iresoil wants to Cultivate, Nourish, and Nurture.

Jeevan – a powerful immunity builder and a growth promoter that enhances crop yield and quality. With Jeevan, farmers can expect healthier plants and increased productivity, leading to higher profits.

Next, we have Kavach – an organic biopesticide that protects crops from pests and diseases without harming the environment. Say goodbye to harmful chemicals and hello to a safer, more sustainable way of pest control.All this at a lesser cost to the farmer



But that’s not all – our lineup also includes Vermicompost, a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer that boosts soil health and fertility. By using Vermicompost, farmers can improve soil structure and promote better plant growth.



And finally, we have Azolla – a natural wonder plant that serves as a livestock feed. Azolla is packed with high protein nutrients and benefits both crops and animals, making it a versatile and valuable addition to any farm.


The Problem

With the rise in population, farmers from developing nations have been forced to adopt a quick-fix strategy that increases crop yield and quality. However, these chemical agricultural inputs damage our health and ecosystems and cause irreversible damage. Loss in soil fertility, soil OC (organic carbon), biodiversity, eutrophication, and air pollution are just a few tragedies of our environment due to the excessive usage of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. 

Long-term expenses of chemical agricultural inputs and the effect on soil make it a huge problem for farmers. 

➣  The effect on the environment is alarming if we’re to look at the consistent use of these chemical agricultural inputs. 

➣  Entire ecosystems are under threat due to the pollution caused by the overuse of these chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

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An Integrated Technology

The Solution

Organic and bioherbal agricultural inputs are the need of the hour. Scaling them to make them affordable for small-scale farmers will ensure that organic and sustainable farming will be practised on a large-scale level across the world. 

Affordable bioherbal organic agricultural inputs will protect and nurture crops leading to more farmers practising organic farming.

Organic alternatives like Jeevan & Kavach will safeguard soil, human health, and our enviornment.

Sustainable farming methods will be the future of the global economy and alternatives like Jeevan & Kavach will be central to saving our planet from global warming.

Farmers experienced a significant reduction in the cost of pesticides and fertilizers.

Farmers experienced better quality of yield, the color, taste, and quality of the yield were noticeably better after growing with the aid of Agrihub products.

No negative health impact on the farmers along with no worry of air, soil, or water pollution due to the runoff from chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Reduced chemical and toxic residue load on the harvest.

Sustainable farming methods will be the future of the global economy and alternatives like Jeevan & Kavach will be central to saving our planet from global warming.


Benefits For farmer

Not only do Jeevan & Kavach safeguard crops, but they’re also harmless when used as agricultural inputs for the health of farmers as opposed to chemical inputs. Along with saving the rising costs of chemical agricultural inputs, Agrihub products are bioherbal organic alternatives that can fully utilise the farm’s produce. 

vision for the future


At Iresoil, we believe that Our customers are a true reflection of the impact we want to have on this world. Through their words, we find a deeper meaning and purpose to stay committed to our mission- to protect, nourish, and empower our soil and farmers.


Experience that speaks and covers volumes!

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Cylinders Saved
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Million dripable liquid organic fertilizer
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