Promaktive™ is Iresoil’s Phosphate Rich Organic Manure.


The Problem

Plants need multiple nutrients for growth out of which NPKS are the key macro nutrients. Phosphorous (P) is one of the major plant nutrients which is a constituent of plant cell. It is required to harvest Sun’s energy and for reproduction. It is a key input  for better root development, seed production and plant maturation. Considering the importance of phosphorous , farmers have been using multiple sources of soluble fertilisers like SSP and DAP. The problem of using soluble chemical phosphatic fertilsers is that significant amount of  P gets fixed in soils  (more than 75% in some type of soils) which is not available to the plant in that cycle. See diagram below. The excessive overuse of chemical agricultural inputs is drastically impacting the soil health and our environment. The physical composition and integrity of the soil are deteriorating with soil moisture retention and fertility at an all-time low. This is due to the unguided usage of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. The major effect of this on small-scale farmers is the loss of agricultural productivity. 

Iresoil’s solution is Promaktive™, a proprietary technology and a process to convert a wide range of organic agricultural by-products into an organic phosphatic biofertilizer. The P availability and use efficiency improves drastically.

It is produced by mixing biogas residue, rock phosphate, and Bio-inoculum-LOF (patented). The efficacy of this fertilizer is on par with phosphatic fertilizer without the side effects, of course.


Issue with chemical phosphatic fertilizer

An Integrated Technology

The Solution

The Promaktive™ technology and process can be applied to the slurry cake produced from the digested biogas plants.

It can reduce or replace Chemical Phosphatic fertilizers; Promaktive™ replicates organic, biofertilizer.

Materials like cowdung, pressmud from sugar mills, and Napier grass can be used and processed to create our organic fertilizer.

Promaktive™ manufacturing process is a single step process as opposed to the multiple step processes involved in chemical phosphatic fertilizer production.

Promaktive™ requires less space for production as compared to chemical phosphatic fertilizers.

Promaktive™ plant can operate almost throughout the entire year, other plants struggle to operate during monsoon.

The workforce required for Promaktive™ production is significantly lesser than what’s required for the production of chemical phosphatic fertilizers.

Promaktive™ being an organic phosphatic fertilizer is extremely effective for farming.

Comparatively affordable to chemical phosphatic fertilizers and extremely safe for the environment and soil health, Promaktive™ can be scaled and utilized for the benefit of small-scale farmers to incorporate organic and sustainable farming worldwide.

A leading step towards profitable, sustainable farming.

promaktive™ Process

Plant Setup

Promaktive™ Plant

Validation of promaktive™

University trail conducted and results validated at a national agriculture university – As Shown Below

In addition, Fields trail conducted with 40 farmers – Practical approach. 

Product USP (Unique Selling Proposition) Promaktive™

Key features Promaktive™ Others
Phosphate content >> 12% About 8%
Bio-inoculum LOF (Patented) - Loaded with Soil beneficial microbes with PGPR and Biocontrol Not Known
Microbial count > 10^7 unknown
Quality of Rock Phosphate used 31% P2O5 with fine mesh 20% -P205
Impurities in RP less more
Validation of product for replacing SSP 3 years of testing at Agri university with 7 crops Not known
Organic Raw material Biogas digested cake- cowdung, press mud, Rice straw Not known
Field trials validation with farmers Yes. More than 40 field trials Not known
POP for 10 crops established Not known

vision for the future


At Iresoil, we believe that Our customers are a true reflection of the impact we want to have on this world. Through their words, we find a deeper meaning and purpose to stay committed to our mission- to protect, nourish, and empower our soil and farmers.


Experience that speaks and covers volumes!

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Cylinders Saved
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Million dripable liquid organic fertilizer
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