Iresoil Talk

Our Thought Leaders say on excessive use of chemical agricultural inputs, effects on soil health and climate, and the need for sustainable agriculture.

Climate change and possible solution

A prolific name in sustainability, Mr. Girish Sohani (Principal Advisor, Iresoil Agro Tech Private Limited) reflects on the extreme climatic changes and how the key to safeguarding our future is to incorporate sustainability in our lifestyle, economic activities, and agriculture.

Sustainable Agriculture

Mr. Ganesh Sanap (Micro Entrepreneur, Iresoil Agro Tech Private Limited) reflects on the importance of sustanable agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture

Mr Gajanan Patil, our Thought Leaders at Iresoil, speaks on soil health and sustainable agriculture: Indian soil is responsible for the nourishment and health of the nation. However, the excessive and untrained use of chemical agricultural inputs (chemical pesticides and fertilizers) has reduced our soil fertility.